Detect Page in App Part

In this post, I’ll go over a simple solution for focusing on the main placeholder content, if the page is detected to be within an App-Part.

App Part Properties

Update the “Elements.xml” file and add a custom query string key-value pair to it:

    <Content Type="html" Src="~appWebUrl/Pages/Dashboard.aspx?{StandardTokens}&amp;IsAppPart=1" />

JavaScript to Detect App Part

In the javascript source file of the page, App.js is the default one for SharePoint Hosted add-ins, add the following code:

// Parse the query string
var qs ='&');
for(var keyValue of qs) {
    // See if this is an app part
    if (keyValue == "IsAppPart=1") {
        // Create a custom style element
        var style = document.createElement("style");
        style.type = "text/css";

        // Only display the main placeholder content
        style.innerHTML = "#s4-ribbonrow, #s4-titlerow, #suiteBarDelta { display: none !important; }";

        // Add this to the header

        // Break from the loop